Humans are different from other animals because they have developed standards of morality for themselves to follow. This shows that morality is definable in absolute terms - applicable universally. The general principle of morality is 'the behavior element that can be followed by all without harming anybody else's interests'.
Recognition of competition as an essential ingredient of individual progress by modern human societies has put a question mark on the above definition, because in a competitive situation, an action by one person to win harms interests of others. Should we say, such an act is immoral? No, because our logic does not allow us to say that. This makes an amendment to the definition necessary, or rather curtail the definition to 'the behavior element that can be followed by all'.
Here we say that harming other's interests in not immoral particularly in a competitive environment. In Nature, things remain the same but keep on changing hands, with the gainer being benefited and the loser being harmed. This is happening everywhere. For example, we eat fruits from a tree which it made using some chemicals from the ground. If the fruit was allowed to fall and decay on the ground, the chemicals of the ground would have easily been replenished. Thus our eating the fruits benefits us but harms the ground and many forms of life living in the soil underneath the tree. Thus, competition is everywhere in Nature.
Human civilization works differently in most of its ways, rather, I should say that human civilization modifies natural things to suit itself better. Competition is one field wherein humanity intervened to a great extent to replace it by cooperation, a hallmark of organizing humanity in societies. Socialization is what cooperation is. With this cooperation, the morality could again be defined as 'the behavior element that can be followed by all without harming interests of somebody close-by'. This close-by may be an animal, a plant, or even a mineral. This leads us to sustainable development process, as a component of human morality, wherein resources are exploited up to a certain limit to keep them regenerative. This leads us to a conscious approach to ecological sustenance.
Again, I come back to competition which is getting recognition as an element of progress particularly in the world of economy. Here again, interests of a business competitor are hammered down to get an edge over the competitor, and this is being considered as very much humane. I have a different approach and view on competition. Apart from its natural existence, it comes to play in human endeavors for a lack of planning and imbalance of demand and supply of resources. Humans have enough tools today to do away with competition in their endeavors, and not to harm interests of other humans as their obligations under morality.

Therefore, ultimate definition of morality comes out to be 'the behavior element that can be followed by all without harming anybody else's interests except in the natural processes'.
Recognition of competition as an essential ingredient of individual progress by modern human societies has put a question mark on the above definition, because in a competitive situation, an action by one person to win harms interests of others. Should we say, such an act is immoral? No, because our logic does not allow us to say that. This makes an amendment to the definition necessary, or rather curtail the definition to 'the behavior element that can be followed by all'.
Here we say that harming other's interests in not immoral particularly in a competitive environment. In Nature, things remain the same but keep on changing hands, with the gainer being benefited and the loser being harmed. This is happening everywhere. For example, we eat fruits from a tree which it made using some chemicals from the ground. If the fruit was allowed to fall and decay on the ground, the chemicals of the ground would have easily been replenished. Thus our eating the fruits benefits us but harms the ground and many forms of life living in the soil underneath the tree. Thus, competition is everywhere in Nature.
Human civilization works differently in most of its ways, rather, I should say that human civilization modifies natural things to suit itself better. Competition is one field wherein humanity intervened to a great extent to replace it by cooperation, a hallmark of organizing humanity in societies. Socialization is what cooperation is. With this cooperation, the morality could again be defined as 'the behavior element that can be followed by all without harming interests of somebody close-by'. This close-by may be an animal, a plant, or even a mineral. This leads us to sustainable development process, as a component of human morality, wherein resources are exploited up to a certain limit to keep them regenerative. This leads us to a conscious approach to ecological sustenance.
Therefore, ultimate definition of morality comes out to be 'the behavior element that can be followed by all without harming anybody else's interests except in the natural processes'.
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